Sunday Recap (4/1/2007)
Rainy day in Georgia but a great day at Rock Bridge!!
--It was awesome celebrating baby/child dedication today with 15+ families!
--"Jesus Take the Wheel" was the special song today ... WOW! That song set the service apart ... it was awesome!!
Message Highlights:
--The part of NASCAR that always makes the ESPN highlight reel are the crashes/wrecks.
--The same is true in our lives ... often times the crashes are what we hold onto and play over and over again in our minds.
Life is all about movement.
--movement or progress in our careers, relationships, and spiritual journey
Life will have crashes.
--You are either going to crash, have crashed, or are coming out of a crash
--The myth we hear most when we crash is -- "It'll be okay. It'll all work out."
--This is wrong. Crashes have to be cleaned up and corrected or else the race of life is impeded and restricted.
You have to go under caution and deal with a crash when it happens.
--Acts 1:15-17
The believers needed to resolve the betrayal of Judas. So Peter led them to a discussion based on Scripture where everything was put on the table. Peter helped the believers get God's perspective on what had happened.
Crashes leave vacuums or voids that will be filled with something.
--Acts 1:18-21
Something will fill up the void: bitterness, fear, worry, angry, inabilty to trust, doubt.
God wants to fill the void for us. He wants us to be complete in Him not incomplete in the world.
--James 1:3-4
What defines your life?
--Acts 1:22-26
Our life will be defined by what happens to us or what God has done for us. The new believers defined their life by the resurrection.