I Love It!
I love the fact that God lets me do what I do with, through, and for His church!
Take this week for example:
--We interviewed personnel for several positions and opportunities here at Rock Bridge. Awesome to see how God has worked in people's lives to equip them for Kingdom service! Awesome to share with people the Rock Bridge story!
I love it!
--Had lunch with a potential church planter yesterday (Adam Walker). One of the sharpest and most passionate guys I have been around in a long time. I'd probably hire him tomorrow if he'd let me. I love listening to people who "get it", who have big dreams for a big God!
I love it!
--Prepared the message for this week, "Coming Out of Caution" on how to get past the 'crashes' that happen in life. I always doubt myself but I have learned never to doubt God's Word and its ability to speak to people and change their life.
I love it!
--Met with the design build firm CoGun to hear how the plans for the renovations of our building are coming along. These guys have a heart for the local church and their work will help us be more effective for the Kingdom!
I love it!
--The optimal staff ratio of staff to worship attendance is 1:100 per NewSpring. Right now we are anywhere from 1:175 to 1:200. Our staff is stretched way too thin. Some awesomely freakish volunteers have stepped in to help us out. But everyone is excited because we know what God is doing through Rock Bridge is WAY bigger than any of us.
I love it!
--God is awesome!
I love it!