Sunday Debrief
--Yesterday it was AMAZING to see hundreds of people go "Off Road" to write down the names of people they know who need Jesus and a church! I am praying for what God is going to do as our church takes reaching out to others to a whole new level ... it is going to be AMAZING.
Remember the four things we need to be effective at going 'off road':
--Close proximity (we've got to be near people that need God)
--Radical inclusiveness (we've got to accept people no matter what)
--Death of preference (our personal preferences cannot get in the way of reaching out to disconnected people)
--Heart of the Father (we must reflect Christ to everyone we come in contact with)
--Support the 9:00 am service.
Since the Fall, we've seen our church grow tremendously. However, our 9:00 am service has not grow at all. This means that our 10:45 service is almost full. We have 3 choices:
1) Start a third service
2) Build a bigger building
3) Get 200+ people that regularly attend the 10:45 service to move to the 9:00 am service to free up more seats at 10:45 for our guests.
Which option is easier, quicker, and makes sense financially?
Number 3.
The vast majority of our guests visit at the 10:45 service time. We have to free up seats for them.
SO YES, simply by coming to the 9:00 am service you will be helping us connect disconnected people.
I believe we will go to 3 services at some point in our future ... and I hope it is real soon!
However, realistically we should be able to grow to between 1500 and 1800 people in two services at the Wink. After that we can talk more about a third service or possible 'dual' services using a second venue (two services that occur simultaneously on or near our campus).
--Whatever it takes
We've displayed that attitude for the past 4+ years. We must remain as committed as ever to reaching our community for Christ. We must be burdened for our friends, co-workers, relatives, and neighbors that do not know Christ and do not have a church home. This is WHY we exist. This is WHY we started Rock Bridge. This is WHY we do 'church' the way we do. This is WHY we can never be satisfied as long as one person in our community does not have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ!