Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Church That Gets Dirty

After week one of "Off Road", I'm sensing people beginning to step up their personal pursuit of people who don't know God or have a church family. I can only say that this gets me PUMPED and gets our Father in heaven ready to move heaven & earth to work through Rock Bridge (Psalm 67:1-2).

Here's a couple of things to get the blood flowing:

--One guy after church yesterday felt so strongly about one of his friends that he went to visit him. It just so happened that this friend needed a lift up to Cleveland, TN. He was able to speak with this guy for several hours about Jesus!!
Now that's going "off road"

--One of our young adult small groups has decided to support the 9:00 am service together at least twice a month in our effort to make more room for our guests @ 10:45!

--Walking through the Wink this morning, I glanced at all the names and places that our people are praying for and going 'off road' for ... OVERWHELMING ... AWESOME ... our community will be changed for Christ!

--Read this article.