Saturday, February 17, 2007

Just One More Mistake (Ha!)

Actually there are a lot more mistakes I've made, but I thought I'd share one more BIG one:

In the Navy when doing P.T. (Physical Training) after we'd finished sit-ups or push-ups or something else, they'd yell "On your feet." It signaled the time to move on to the next exercise.
As a pastor/planter/leader I find the desire to get 'on my feet' but the need to stay 'on my knees' in prayer before God.
Being a task-oriented, results driven person ... extended times of prayer have been a hard and difficult discipline that I am still learning.

BUT when I do pray, I know with 100% certainty that God works more in me, around me and through me than when I shorten or cut my prayer time. In other words, results still happen but they are much greater and God-glorifying.

John 3:30