Thursday, March 01, 2007

What are you thinking?

My wife used to ask me that question when we were dating. I was a pretty introverted guy until Beth came along and helped me realize that relationships are an awesome part of life.
So I'd thought I answer that question ... here's what I'm thinking:

--My LASIK surgery went well and I praise God for it! I'm 20/15 or 20/10 right now and my eyes are still healing!!

--Vision Sunday (March 18th) is going to rock! We must get every single lost, unchurched, disconnected person we know to church that day.

--My prayer life has got to go up several levels. This is something God is demanding from me and I have got to surrender my time, my excuses, and my focus to Him.

--I believe our church is on the verge of something amazing ... something God-sized.

--We've got a ton of staffing decisions to make to better equip our church to accomplish our vision.

--CoGun: we have partnered with a design-build firm to help develop a Master Plan of how we use our space. This will involve a renovation project within the next year.

--Youth Disciple Now (iGod) is going to rock!

--I can't wait to get back to work ... I've been at a conference and wearing dark sunglasses so I'm kind of 'away' right now.

--Sunday we wrap up 'Off Road' message series.

--Are we doing what we need to be doing to reach the people God has called us to reach? What needs to change? What needs to stay the same? What needs to improve?

--Unleash Conference! It's going to rock! We dropped from 1st to 3rd in the most # of people signed up according to Tony Morgan's blog.
This is really going to encourage, challenge, and equip our people to take things to a new level.

--My dogs: Bear & Sammie are the best.

--God is good and forever faithful ... why don't I trust Him more?

John 3:30