Saturday, March 03, 2007

Saturday Night Live

Well, it's Saturday night and I'm excited to be preaching again tomorrow at RBCC!! We'll be sharing something pretty cool that we're going to be doing for Vision Sunday (aka 'get as many people as you can' day) on March 18th.

Here's some things rolling around in my head and heart:

Let's expect God to do something awesome each week in and through the church. Church should be the most exciting and irrestible thing we do BECAUSE God is fully in it and fully committed to it!
--Expect people to come to know Christ.
--Expect record crowds.
--Expect to encounter God.
--Expect God to become more personal.
--Expect to fall more in love with Jesus.

We do a lot of cool things, a lot of creative things ... but it is all for naught if Christ is not at the center. The Bible says that if we lift Christ up, God will draw men to Himself.
I pray every Saturday night that people encounter the risen Christ and not the sinful Matt Evans.

The Gospel is simply the 'good news' that Christ died to pay a debt of sin we could never pay and through His death & resurrection, He offers us eternal life. God's Word tells the story of the Gospel and then explains its meaning. Those two things contain power beyond me to change lives and eternities.
So many Saturday night's I believe the message for Sunday is terrible and a total bomb; however, I have come to realize that the power is in the message (the Gospel and the Word) not in the messenger. As a result teaching is more about preparing myself than preparing a message.

John 3:30