Monday, March 12, 2007

Weekend Wrap-up

Beth & I are wiped out BUT ... this was an INCREDIBLE weekend for God's kingdom!!

--Absolutely amazing!! Our volunteers in this area are SUPERHEROES! They led Bible studies, went without sleep, listened to LOUD music, got lured into crazy skits, prayed with teens to receive Christ, and set the example for what is means to be a Jesus Freak!! THANK YOU!!

--Our students rock! They got about 200 teenagers to church this weekend to hear about Jesus & have fun at the same time! Don't let any lie and say church is not supposed to fun & excited. Jesus is something to be passionate about!!

Without question, this was the most challenging message I have EVER PREACHED. There is no way to water down what Jesus said in Luke 14:25-33.
I was sick to my stomach before the message and after it because Jesus' words are SO hard, SO different than what we are taught, and SO challenging to what it really means to be a Christian.

Here's the recap:
--We all limits on how far we'll go with God.
--Jesus said to be His disciple there can be no limits.
1) Disciples do not hold back their love, loyalty, and affection for Him.
2) Disciples go all out and all the way for Him.
Jesus wants to finish His work. When we say no, we leave His business unfinished.
3) Disciples win.
We are destined for victory yet so many of us have forfeited and made peace with the ways of the world rather than the Prince of Peace & King of Kings.

--Despite the challenging message we had around 15 people make decisions for Christ!!
--For the Youth this weekend, it looks like we also had around 15-20 decisions for Christ! (We're still getting all the cards in and processed).

--This is awesome! Stop right now and praise God!