Message Preparation (Part 7)
Here's my final thoughts on giving the message and these deal with the actual delivery.
--I try to spend an hour plus in prayer before coming over to the service. I hang out my office or 'Green' Room since we met in a theatre.
--I come over about 30 minutes before the service kicks off for a quick mic check and then I spend time greeting and welcoming people to Rock Bridge.
--Time in worship really helps me get open to God and get past myself.
--Also, let me just add that our Band and Praise Team have been taking things to the next level in '07!!
What can I say except that I love to preach. I never went to seminary so I sort of taught myself by listening to Rick Warren, Charles Stanley, Andy Stanley and others ... now I have learned the most important thing: just BE MYSELF.
Here's what that means for me:
--I am passionate about this stuff and by this time I better be passionate about the topic. That needs to be transparent.
--He lives in me and I need to let Him out of me!! This is has been my biggest learning curve as I have transitioned from heavy notes and a 'pulpit' of sorts to now using only a rough outline and a 'bistro' table. I now say things I had not planned to say but are things God prompts me to say. This is when things are really clicking.
--My old football coach used to say "Leave everything on the field." Then it meant give it 110% and don't hold back.
--Now it means much the same BUT with the addition of don't rehash the message afterwards 763 times, don't bug my wife with the pesty, "How was it?" question, don't doubt God's ability to use my inability, don't think, "It's over. No one will show up here next week."
--I use to do those things every week. Now, I'm down to every other week! Seriously, when it is all said and done, let it all be said and done and leave the outcome with God ... it all starts with Him and it all goes back to Him!