Message Preparation (Part 6)
Here's the weekly routine for me. I have just changed to this because I was only preparing over the course of 1 1/2 days and I needed more time to ponder the Scriptures and let things marinate in my head and heart.
Tuesday mornings: study
Tuesday afternoon: creative team meeting
All day Wednesday: study
Thursday morning: finishing touches on the message
Friday morning: go over service w/worship pastor + prayer
Saturday night: review message and prayer
All week: marinate and ponder God's truths
The Friday-Saturday 'Bout w/Doubt:--For some reason, between Friday and Saturday night (sometimes it goes into Sunday morning) I have serious doubts about the message. I used to wonder why or what is going on. I am slowly learning that this forces me to depend on God, helps me realize this is God's endeavor not mine, reminds me that I am merely a broken vessel that God has chosen to use (for which I am so grateful), AND ... the biggest thing is does it is pushes me to do something that Mark Driscoll emphasizes: "Go with the Ghost"
Driscoll concentrates heavily on being filled with the Holy Spirit and then preaching "as God leads and trust[ing] that God will direct my words, and He always does."
--I am really trying to learn how to depend on God more in my preaching. A John 3:30 kind of work going on in my life.
--For example, last week I had serious sermon block. I am almost called our Associate Pastor, Aaron Gable to fill-in. (Aaron has a back-up sermon ready to preach in case I get sick or something.) I felt sermon block classified as 'something' and it was making me 'sick'. When I got up to preach I just let go ... at the end I believe we had an awesome service. In fact after the 9:00 am service I was worried that I would not be able to preach the same message because it was so God, so not in my outline, and so not what I envisioned. But God is faithful ... duh? Why do I EVER doubt that??????????
John 3:30