Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Missed It!

Monday is normally the day reserved for Beth & I. We created that boundary for ourselves right after our church launched in 2002. I was going to try to go to seminary one day a week and then pastor and do the family thing the other six days. Beth quickly discerned that this would not cut it. I'd either lose my ministry, my marriage, or myself!! So we blocked off Mondays as a day for us. We sleep in, go have a nice lunch, catch a movie, do a project together, or whatever ... as long as we are together. To us it is sacred and special.

However, this week we missed it (I had to do a funeral for an awesome lady. Funerals for people like her are celebrations ... and it was a joy to conduct it).

So while everything else in our church is rocking and rolling this week ... I'm stumbling and bumbling because I missed Monday with my wife.

I'm thankful our church understands how Beth & I try to guard Mondays for us. Sure, there are times like yesterday we have to gladly work and do ministry on Monday ... but for the most part our church EXPECTS us to NOT be available as much on Monday and they RESPECT us for it.

A few reasons why I need Monday with my wife:

#1--My wife is incredibly FUN.
I'd be the most boring person in the world without her to lighten me up. Mondays are my FUN day to be exclusively with my FUN wife.

#2--My wife makes me feel good about being me.
No matter if I stink on Sunday, Mondays with Beth help me bounce back for the next week. My wife helps bring out God's best in me.

#3--My wife tells me like it is.
My wife is not afraid to call me on stupid stuff I do. Many of times I have regretted that I did not listen to her wisdom or heed her discernment. Mondays we get to talk to each other at a deeper level than we normally are able to do the rest of the week. We need that uninterrupted time to say what is on our hearts.

#4--My wife is so passionate about life, Jesus, the Bible, and His church.
Most people don't know that Beth has a potentially life-threatening genetic condition. Most people with it don't live past 20-21. I love the fact that Beth loves life, loves God's Word, and the church so much. We fell in love having conversations about how the church should be the most incredible organization on the planet. Mondays I get psyched up being around her passion for the things that matter most and that make life matter!

#5--On Mondays our two favorite shows come on: Prison Break and 24.
(I'm a little worried about 24 this year ... a little slow so far??)

Can't wait until next Monday!