Any Given Sunday
As a church plant, we did good just to make it through a Sunday. Sunday was the focus of Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.
Now four years later, Sunday is still the focus ... it has to be. That is the day God set aside for us to focus exclusively on Him. For us in leadership that means that it is our one shot to impact the most number of people for Christ, to help our members/regular attenders be more like Christ, and to pump people up with God-sized vision for their lives and the church.
Here's a couple of goals and expectations I have going into any given Sunday:
#1--That WHOEVER walks through the doors is treated BETTER than the best restaurant they've eaten at, the best hotel they've stayed at, or the best store they've shopped at.
#2--That WHOEVER walks through the doors feels welcomed and accepted unconditionally. How many people have told me they just didn't feel comfortable at other churches because of their dress or their known past. How different was the reaction of sinners to being around Jesus.
#3--That WHOEVER sits down in our service senses something (or Someone) significant is present.
#4--That WHOEVER attends the service finds the service exciting, energizing, and engaging.
#5--That WHOEVER listens to me (or God through me) finds their faith growing (faith comes by hearing the Word) and becomes less of a hearer and more of a doer of the Word. This means they can use some truth they heard on Monday at work or Sunday night with the family.
#6--That WHOEVER is NEVER bored in Church!
#7--That WHOEVER's kids have a blast learning about Jesus.
#8--That WHOEVER thinks of at least one other WHOEVER who they know that needs to come to Rock Bridge with them next week.
#9--That WHOEVER is not saved gets SAVED! (I need to start EXPECTING people to get saved in our services each and every week. In Acts 2 the church grew DAILY!! If it can happen then, it can happen now: same God and same mission!)
#10--That WHOEVER leaves thinking, "I cannot wait until next Sunday!"
John 3:30