After-Action Report: Easter
Some random thoughts going through my head the day after Easter:
--If you volunteer at church in ANY capacity, you are AWESOME! It makes such a huge difference to what God is able to do through His church.
--We had more people at the 9:00 am service than at 10:45 ... many of you proved that you CAN actually get up that early ... keep it up!
--The buzz building in Calhoun is great!! We've got a long way to go before we officially launch but the people are GREAT, the need in Gordon County is tremendous, and God is opening doors for His Gospel there.
--How long can we stay at two services at our Dalton campus?
I want to stay at two as long as possible BUT we will not stay at two services IF it hinders growth or our ability to reach disconnected people!!
--We had several people make decisions yesterday in the worship services and in the children's theatre!! That means there is a big ole party in heaven!!
--We about to go into overtime adding new staff. We learned at Newspring that the optimal ratio is 1:100. We are currently at 1:175. Our staff is stretched and stressed ... but we are ON FIRE for what God is up to!! If you want to hear the two main sessions of the Newspring Unleash Conference, you can check them out here.
--We have a 3-day staff retreat this week that will be very important to how we get where God is taking us.
--God is good!
--John 3:30