Monday, March 19, 2007

Me & Mo

Been hanging out with Moses lately in Exodus ... WOW! Good stuff on how Moses' developed as the spiritual leader of God's people.

Here's just a few things that struck me:

--Moses' was discontent with the status quo early on (He killed an Egyptian for mistreating some Hebrew slaves). However, he lacked the maturity and God-given revelation to deal with it appropriately.

I think a good portion of visionary leadership begins with discontentment -- we see things that just are not right and then develop a passion to do something about it. God takes our passion and focuses it with an inspired vision that leads to action.

--When God called Moses to act (Exodus 3), Moses was focused only on himself. His doubts, his weaknesses, and his worries totally drove his conversations with God. God kept reassuring Moses with Himself: "I am who I am."

Whenever my focus on me, there is doubt, fear, and worry. Whenever the focus is on God, there is peace, confidence, and clarity. We have to remember we ain't nothing without God. Where's my focus????

--After all the trouble to call Moses to lead the Hebrews, God still almost killed him. Moses had not circumcised his son in accordance with God's law.

As leaders of God's people, we cannot neglect our own personal walk with God. Many times we focus on who we are leading and forget our own relationship with God. God demands integrity and purity and repentance constantly in order for Him to use us for His purposes.