Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Matthew Party

This year for Vision Sunday (March 18th) we are doing something different.
In the past we have gone up to the Trade Center for a big meal afterwards. We decided this was not feasible for a few reasons:
1) Cost: the number of people is so big that the cost outweighs the benefits.
2) 9:00 am service: we think it would take away from the 9:00 service and we have to continue to grow that service
3) Future: in the future we could have 3+ services at all different times on Sunday and/or Saturday night. At some point in the future we simply would not be able to go to the Trade Center due to scheduling and logistics and we are all about preparing ourselves for the future.

SO ... instead what we did is purchased restaurant gift cards for our people to use. We give them a card, they treat guests to lunch and work on building that relationship with them, answering questions, and just hanging out and having fun. It's what Matthew did after he decided to follow Christ: he had a dinner party, invited friends, and brought Jesus with him.

I love how this has challenged us to be intentionally more evangelistic ... to think about WHO we know that is outside the faith and outside the church and to really pursue that relationship with them.

Here's what one person wrote:
Church was awesome yesterday wasn't it/....... I have been talking about it all day today.... I am so glad we found Rock Bridge ... I have 4 people that promise me they will be there next Sunday.

I cannot wait!!