Monday, February 12, 2007


We/I have got a crazy rest of the month ...

This Sunday we start a new series called, "Off Road". It's going to be challenging ... you'll never look at other people the same again. You'll never approach work the same way again. You'll never go to the gym or out to eat the same way either. You'll never doubt why you are here anymore.
(I can't say anymore ... just be here on Sunday!)

My wife loves to ski + Youth Ski Trip during Winter Break = I am going skiing!!
I've never been on skis in the snow before (water yes, snow no!). Pray I don't get hurt. Pray I get some good 'sermon' material from the youth and from myself!

I am pumped about this!! We are sending all of our staff to several conferences this year to help us grow, motivate us, allow us to meet new people, and challenge us. I've visited Mountainlake Church once ... it is great and they really set an example for us to follow. Aaron and I will be heading to this conference and I'll get to spend some time with one of my best friends, Dr. Mark Gravlee ... one of Rock Bridge's core group members who recently moved to Alpharetta.

I'm going under the laser to fix my nearsightedness ... I am excited!! However, I had my pre-op today where you have to sign all this stuff that says you could have complications and this could happen and that could happen, etc. So it makes me a little nervous but the risks are worth it to me: no contacts, no glasses, no dry eyes in the morning, no more guessing who's at church on Sundays ... I'll be able to see you!