Thursday, February 08, 2007

Message Preparation (Part 4)

After I get what I like to call the 'Ah Ha moment' from the Scripture, then I work to structure the message clearly and creatively with conviction. Let me go over these four things:

This is when my heart starts racing, my blood starts pumping, and I run down the halls. The staff knows when this moment arrives because I usually run out of my office and disrupt and disturb whatever it was they were doing.
Usually, the AH HA is a simple yet memorable or profound statement that becomes the central idea of the message or the 'one big thing'. on to structuring the message.
I find that once the 'AH HA' occurs, then everything else usually falls quickly into place. Why? because everything will either lead to or come from the 'AH HA'.

I think it is better to be clear than creative. In fact, sometimes the creative can actually detract or distract from the main idea of the message. Some questions for clarity:
--How does this resonate after people leave church? Can they discuss this over lunch or at a small group? Is it understandable and obvious what this truth means to them and their lives?

Once the message information and structure is clear then use creativity to make it either more memorable or more understandable.
For example, we did a message on connecting to each other through church and specifically, in small groups. The 'AH HA' was you need to be connect to the team/family to be effective. We illustrated this by using a mannequin (I had to look that word up) and I would take its arm off throughout the message to talk about being 'disconnected' vs. 'connected'.

I have learned this the hard way and forget this several times a day ... but ...
I sometimes get wrapped in the preparation and forget where the true power comes from ... God!
Teaching/preaching with conviction also means I have to be personnally passionate about the topic or idea. I am usually passionate because of the difficult process God takes me through to arrive at the 'ah ha' moment ... but when I see the Word really come alive ... I get pumped.
Conviction also comes when I have experienced the truth personally in my own life. Sometimes this means I have to repent of something before I can preach it with integrity. Sometimes I am my own congregation, but when I change or learn something new or am challenged ... boy, that makes me passionate and able to speak with conviction.
Conviction also comes from the many wonderful people who pray for me! Thank you!