Monday, February 05, 2007

Message Preparation (Part 2)

Today, I'll tackle a common question: Where do the ideas for a message come from?

I try to plan our message series out at least six months in advance. Right now they are planned through December. This does not mean I know what I am preaching on exactly but the main themes and concepts are mapped out. This reduces my week-to-week stress and greatly increases our creative team's ability to do engaging things like dramas, stage decorations, video, special music etc.
These concepts/ideas for message series come from the following sources:
--Other speakers and churches
--My own prayer & Bible study
--Seasonal considerations (I'll explain that below)
--What haven't we talked about lately?
--What are people experiencing or struggling with?
--Our staff

We plan series according to the following seasons:
--Growth patterns (We typically grow in the Fall and first of the year. These are good times to do series on felt needs or everyday living issues or church vision)
--Special holidays (Christmas & Easter)
--Where our church is and where we are going
--What people are experiencing (i.e. - New year = people open to new things; Fall = people are regrouping and ready to get back into routines that were disrupted by summer vacations)

We try to divide our communications into couple of themed areas. For example:
--Spiritual life (growth, habits, etc.): how to grow in your walk with God
--Felt needs/topics: money, sex, relationships, family, emotions, hard times, etc.
--Doctrines (Christianity 101 type stuff): the Bible, Holy Spirit, grace, etc.
--Relationships: marriage, dating, friendships
--Church/Church life: vision & values of RBCC; small groups; serving; evangelism
--Seasonal: Christmas & Easter; occasionally Mother/Father's Day; patriotism

Here's how this might look in a typical year:
--New Year (Jan-Feb): Spiritual life & felt needs
--March: Church life/vision
--April: Easter themes
--May: relationships
--Summer: loosely connected; stand alone messages since attendance fluctuates
--Start of school: spiritual life & felt needs; church life
--Fall: felt needs; spiritual life
--December: Christmas themes